Personal Information:
Name: Marcus
Nationality: Norwegian
Your life in general (optional): Boring
Character information:
Ingame name: Loppetassen
Race: Night elf female
Class: Rogue
Spec (and why): Combat, generaly becouse its the best pve specc ( Imo ) and its more fun then any other specc.
Dual-spec (and why): Mutilate / Sub. PvP reasons only.
Armory link:
Alts (optional): -----------
General information:
Raiding experience (Vanilla/TBC/WotLK) Vanilla : non on this charr, i did a bit Onyxia and MC on my paladin ( i gave away that account becouse i quited when TBC came out for a while) Tbc: Cleared upptill archi in MH. WOTLK: All "old" content cleared. Ulduar: 3 Bosses: Flame, Ignis, and Xt 002
Previous guilds and why you left: I were on daggerspine before frostmane. I migrated to frostmane for social reasons and progress reason becouse Daggerspine had to many rogues. The guild i got "Of the nightfall" and "twilight Vanquisher" was falling apart when i migrated and i dont know if its still a guild.
How active can you be (please be honest): As active as you want me i guess
Why do you want to join: I aint got much knowledge about the guilds on frostmane but i know that Lightmare was a polite and nice person and i liked him, and uve gotten 10/14 down in ulduar if i am correct and i would love to down Yoggi with you. i allso want a Steady and progressive guild.
What can you offer us:A nice and polite person werry social, a joker when we arent raiding and serious when its raid. and ofc Dps
How do you prepare yourself for raids:Flask, food, watch kill movies and read tacts if i dont know it.
Can you wipe an entire day on new content without losing motivation: Yes if the boss is going down more and more each try, beeing honest and everyone is loosing motivation if you are stuck on the same amount of Hp each try.
Do you know anyone in the guild: No
Technical information:
Computer-specs: uhm 2G ram and gawd tbh i dont know much about computers and i got this Computer for my birthday one year ago =P
Internet-connection: Good
Do you have ventrilo and a working mic: Yes
Loppe over and out