Personal Information:
Name: Richard
Age: 15
Nationality: English
Your life in general (optional): Play rugby alot, have a season ticket at westham fc, play WoW and Cod4 is rest of time
Character information:
Ingame name: milëy
Race: dwarf
Class: Rogue
Spec (and why): Combat, best dps imo, easy enough rotation so im not concentrating on keeping S&D Rupture HFB Poisson Ect for Ass
Dual-spec (and why): Muti prep for arena
Armory link:ëy
Alts (optional):
General information:
Raiding experience (Vanilla/TBC/WotLK) TBC Maly Grull Kara ZA, WoTLK 25Naxx VoA Sathy+1, Failed on Maly
Previous guilds and why you left: i was on realm karazhan and no guilds were progressing so i decided to leave with a mate to here.
How active can you be (please be honest): Most days except fridays, and when rugby season is back i'l miss wednesdays.
Why do you want to join: to have a fun WoTLK experience and meet some new people.
What can you offer us: a good rogue who knows is class very well
How do you prepare yourself for raids: Get all poisons x2, take full stack of flask of ER, Bye Mega mammoth meal if its on AH
Can you wipe an entire day on new content without losing motivation: yes i did it alot on trash in 1 of my old guilds
Do you know anyone in the guild: no
Technical information:
AMD Athlong 64 x2 4400+
NivG Force 8600 1mb
2mb ram
Internet-connection: 200ms maxx not much DC
Do you have ventrilo and a working mic: Vent, and mic in post[u]