Personal Information:
Name: Pedro
Age: 28
Nationality: Portuguese
Character information:
Ingame name: Pirex
Race: Human
Class: Priest
Spec (and why): Im Shadow.. 14/0/57 good dps..
Dual-spec (and why): Holy.. 14/57/0 cause I got more healer items..
Armory link: information:
Raiding experience (Vanilla/TBC/WotLK)
- Cleared MC, killed Onyxia, AQ20 and Zul\'Gurub
- Kara, Gruul\'s, Mag, TK, ZA, Mount Hyjal 5/5, Black Temple 9/9
- OS25+2D, VoA25 2/2, Naxx25 15/15, EoE25, Ulduar25: Flame Leviathan, Razorscale, XT-002, Ignis, Kologarn, Auriaya, Freya, Thorim, Hodir
Previous guilds and why you left: Have been on Portucale, Eye of god, Revelation, Fallen, Lusitanos, After Effect. I leave After Effect cause Class leader said they have too many SPriests and I was the lower one..
How active can you be (please be honest): I play 4-5 hours all days and I can raid all 3 days that guild raids
Why do you want to join: I wanna be the most powerfull SPriest on the server.. lol and participate in good raids
What can you offer us: good dps I think
How do you prepare yourself for raids: I allways got mana and healing pots, flasks,repair, etc..
Can you wipe an entire day on new content without losing motivation: yup.. It takes 2-3 weeks to kill Ragnaros with Revelation guild long time ago, 2 weeks to kill Mother at BT with Fallen and 1 month to clear naxx25, OS+2D and EoE25 with Lusitanos
Do you know anyone in the guild: nop
Technical information:
Computer-specs: Dual Core
Internet-connection: 8mb
Do you have ventrilo and a working mic: yes
Extra information: good sense of humor