Hello Spiritus Sancti!
We are a bunch of experienced players that need a guild who can match our need. This group is 6 people. We are a part of a own progress group in Ulduar that has played for a while. We know each other well and are not afraid to interact with other players in the guild.
The group consists of following player:
Asiva - Shadow priest
Kanellinda - Hunter (Don't know that spec :<)
Kanelbobby - Rogue
Holymadness - Retribution Paladin (Got holyspec also, do to duelspecialization.
Zimy - Elemental/Enhancement Shaman
Lightmare - Protection/Holy Paladin
All of these people have multi-experience from all the Wrath of the Lich king raids.We all have +213 iLvlgear. Just check armory.
We are all swedish people and are between the ages of 18-22+.
Previews guilds have been a bigger disappointment to use due to slacking, stupid players, evil guildmasters and officers and a small portion of "ninjaing".
It all started in the guild <Azure> where the officers (who were all real life buddys) tried to "get the gear before everyone else". Then we move to Bäverdammen, which we all have hear good thing about. BUT, the BIG but, was that no one in the guild was about teamplay and interacting with new players, they had there core that no one would let into.
Everyone have good computers and have a good and steady connection.
If you want more information about /w us in-game. WE WILL NOT BITE.
Your's truley.
A bunch of players.