Personal Information:
Name: Mattias
Your life in general (optional): School , friends, wow, floorball.
Character information: Frostrise resto shaman.
Ingame name: Frostrise
Race: drainae misspelled
Class: Shaman
Spec (and why): resto becosue its easiest to get in to raids with ?
hehe no becosue its funnies specc for raids..
Dual-spec (and why):yes, nice to have dps specc aswell.
Armory link: (optional): none at 80 on this server.
General information:
Raiding experience (Vanilla/TBC/WotLK) 4/5 MH 5/9 BT, Naxx full clear, Ulduar done to freya on 25 man. Mylgos ive neva done beocuse none of the guilds ive been in have bother doin it. I know tacts and stuff though.
Previous guilds and why you left: Majime no tanoshi: left becouse guild quit. Knighmare leaved becosue of school was a bitch at the moment.
How active can you be (please be honest): I prolly come to most raids. If you raid on friday / saturday i may have problems comin. Some days ofc i will be away for parties and things.
Why do you want to join: Becsoue i feel for having raiding guild now when im finally going to have time to raid.
What can you offer us: Over imbanage healnage.
How do you prepare yourself for raids: Flask, food and ofc do what i need to do b4 the raid.
Can you wipe an entire day on new content without losing motivation: hehe prolly ye, if we progres abit after doin that.
Do you know anyone in the guild: don't think so.